These general conditions of sale are concluded between on the one hand:

The company DAVY PARACHUTISME, located 11, rue de l’Atlantide – 40230 TOSSE

Email: davypara / Telephone: 06 07 10 29 90

SIRET 45246025600020 – APE 33.16 Z – : FR 28452460256– RCS DAX

referred to as the “Seller”

on the other hand :

the natural or legal person wishing to purchase or reserve any products or services provided by DAVY PARACHUTISME via its various sales and distribution channels (website, physical platform, etc.), and/or the natural person wishing to benefit from the services provided by DAVY PARACHUTISME, hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer” or the “Customer”,


These General Conditions of Sale govern the rights and obligations of the parties in the context of the sale or reservation of all products and/or services offered by the Seller (a tandem parachute jump with video option, 'a PAC initiation jump, PAC training, etc.).

The customer expressly declares and acknowledges having read all of these general conditions prior to his order or reservation, and accepts them without restriction or reservation.

The Seller reserves the right to modify these General Terms and Conditions at any time by publishing a new version on the communication media. The applicable General Terms and Conditions are those in force on the date of payment of the order.


The products and services offered for sale by the Seller are described and presented with the greatest possible accuracy on the communication media.
However, if errors or omissions occur in this presentation, the Seller cannot be held liable. Illustrations and photos of products supporting the text do not fall within the contractual scope.

The services and products offered by the Seller are individual and nominative. Services purchased from the Seller are non-transferable and non-refundable.
The Seller cannot be held responsible or liable for any compensation in the event that the service cannot, in particular due to weather hazards, guarantee the dates or heights indicated, especially for safety reasons.

The Seller may decide on site not to make the Customer jump if he thinks that the latter is not suitable for skydiving, for his safety. In this case, the service will be reimbursed to the customer, without compensation.


Certain services offered by the Seller are open for reservation on the website (PAC training, initiation jump, Tandem ).

Il sera obligatoire de fournir au Vendeur, le jour du saut :
– pour les mineurs ou les plus de 65 ans : un Certificat médical de non contre indication ayant été délivré par un médecin généraliste dans les 12 mois précédents
– un auto-questionnaire de santé pour les 18-65 ans.


The prices of the services are expressed in euros, VAT included .

The services selected and ordered by the customer are invoiced on the basis of the current price displayed on the website, at the time of validation of the reservation .

The price is revised annually depending in particular on the variation in the cost of fuel and various taxes.

The Seller reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, without notice, but undertakes to apply the prices in force which will have been indicated at the time of booking.

Any order for a service constitutes full acceptance of the prices and descriptions of the products for sale.

For any purchase of products or services offered by the Seller made online or directly at the establishment, the Buyer has a right of withdrawal of 14 days in application of article L221-18 of the Consumer Code .

 In the event that the jump is canceled for reasons mentioned in article 3, the Seller is not liable for travel costs incurred by customers to get to the jump location.

A reservation can be canceled and given rise to a refund, or postponed free of charge upon presentation of a medical certificate of contraindication to the practice of skydiving or in the event of force majeure.


A gift voucher is valid for one year from the date of issue. The corresponding service must be carried out before the end of the validity of the gift voucher.

The customer has the choice to extend the validity of their gift voucher upon express and written request before the end of the validity for a maximum period of 6 months upon payment of €50 extension fees.

The gift voucher is not refundable.

If the customer is absent on the date and time of the jump, the ticket is considered to be used.

If the Customer does not come forward to plan their jump, the gift voucher will be considered used on its expiry date.


Parachute jumping is linked to specific constraints to be able to be carried out (sport with a specific environment). The meeting time and passage for the jump, the height of the jump, etc., are given for information purposes only.

  • Weather

The jump depends closely on weather conditions. The customer must plan to devote half a day, or even a full day, to it, the communicated schedule being indicative, due to the random nature of said weather conditions.

The Technical Director or any other person responsible for the center in charge of the service may at any time decide to postpone the jump for safety reasons. This decision to postpone the time of passage or to cancel the jump cannot be a reason for reimbursement of the price of the service or payment of the deposit paid at the time of reservation.

Cancellation and/or postponement can take place at any time, from several days before the service, until the day of the service, before takeoff or even during the flight.

The service must be rescheduled within the current validity period.

  • Health

Le client doit être en bonne santé physique et mentale et ne pas présenter une quelconque contre indication à la pratique du parachutisme. Si un moniteur estime que le Client n’est pas apte à sauter, et ce pour des raisons de sécurité, la prestation pourra être annulée et sera remboursée au Client.

Clients registered for a service must not be pregnant.

The client must not have carried out scuba diving in the 48 hours preceding the performance of the service.

Pour tous les types de saut, le client devra fournir, au jour de la réalisation de la prestation, soit un auto-questionnaire de santé pour les personnes de 18 à 65 ans, soit un certificat médical pour les mineurs ou les plus de 65 ans, attestant l’absence de contre-indication à la pratique du parachutisme daté de moins d’un an, établi par tout médecin généraliste choisi par le client.

For safety reasons, the weight of the dressed customer must not exceed 90 kilograms. The client's weight can be checked on site on the day of the jump. If this maximum weight is exceeded, the service will be considered completed and will not be subject to any postponement or reimbursement.

Si l’IMC du Client est supérieure à 30 pour un homme ou 25 pour une femme, il devra contacter le Vendeur avant la réservation pour acceptation préalable. Dans tous les cas, le poids maximum accepté est de 90 kgs.

A customer who has consumed alcohol or illicit substances before a jump will automatically be refused access to the plane. The service will be considered completed and will not be subject to any postponement or reimbursement.

  • Mineur Les Clients mineurs (15 ans minimum le jour de la prestation) doivent fournir une autorisation parentale ou de toute personne légalement investie de l’autorité parentale, ainsi qu’une photocopie des cartes d’identité des deux parents. Le mineur doit être accompagné le jour de la prestation par au moins une des personnes investie de l’autorité parentale.
  • Droit à l’image
    Les droits vidéo et photos resteront la propriété du Vendeur, sauf avis contraire et stipulation expresse particulière. Ils pourront être utilisés sur ses supports publicitaires ou de communication.


The price of the tandem jump and the initiation jump includes air transport civil liability insurance for a tandem parachute jump / PAC, as well as a basic Individual-Accident guarantee for the benefit of the tandem passenger or the PAC student.

The amount of guarantees being capped, it is up to the customer, if necessary, to take out additional insurance aimed at guaranteeing, beyond the limits of the said insurance policies, the damage he would suffer as a result of jumping. by parachute. Furthermore, the customer is informed that his personal insurance is likely to exclude the risks linked to the practice of skydiving. It is up to the passenger to check their own insurance policy in this regard. 


The sale of products or services offered by the Seller is subject to French law. In the absence of an amicable resolution, the dispute will be brought before the competent jurisdiction of the DAX Court of Appeal.


In accordance with French legislation, and more particularly the law of January 6, 1978 on Information Technology and Freedom, the customer has a right of access, rectification, opposition and deletion of data concerning him. He can exercise this by proceeding through his account or by writing to us at the postal address of DAVY PARACHUTISME available in the contact section of the website.